Course | |||||
$50.00 *Required / *Required Role Specific This is a required training for all Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Medical Affiliates. This course includes a final assessment and evaluation that will help you assess your knowledge and is the final requirement to becoming an active Medical... | |||||
Additional Role Applications (Optional) If you are interested in becoming an Affiliated Photographer in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete this application course. This course is a pre-requisite for the Affiliated Photographer role for any current volunteer wishing... | |||||
Additional Role Applications (Optional) This course is a pre-requisite for the Area Coordinator role for any current volunteer wishing to apply as a NILMDTS Area Coordinator. If you are interested in becoming an Area Coordinator in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete... | |||||
Additional Role Applications (Optional) This course is a pre-requisite for the DRA role. If you are interested in becoming a Digital Retouch Artist in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete this application course.
You do not need to complete this course if you have... | |||||
$10.00 -Resources In the event that your NILMDTS badge gets misplaced or damaged, you will be able to request a replacement personalized Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep badge within this course.
Note: This course will remain RESTRICTED until you complete your... |