Medical Affiliate (ROLE7-2022)
*Required Role Specific
Medical Affiliate (ROLE7-2022)

This is a required training for all Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Medical Affiliates. This course includes a final assessment and evaluation that will help you assess your knowledge and is the final requirement to becoming an active Medical...

Affiliated Photographer Application
Additional Role Applications (Optional)
Affiliated Photographer Application
If you are interested in becoming an Affiliated Photographer in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete this application course. This course is a pre-requisite for the Affiliated Photographer role for any current volunteer wishing...
Area Coordinator Application
Additional Role Applications (Optional)
Area Coordinator Application
This course is a pre-requisite for the Area Coordinator role for any current volunteer wishing to apply as a NILMDTS Area Coordinator. If you are interested in becoming an Area Coordinator in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete...
Digital Retouch Artist Application
Additional Role Applications (Optional)
Digital Retouch Artist Application
This course is a pre-requisite for the DRA role. If you are interested in becoming a Digital Retouch Artist in addition to your current NILMDTS role, please complete this application course. You do not need to complete this course if you have...
Request a Badge Replacement
Request a Badge Replacement
In the event that your NILMDTS badge gets misplaced or damaged, you will be able to request a replacement personalized Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep badge within this course. Note: This course will remain RESTRICTED until you complete your...

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